February 2005

Problem with VMS732-UPDATE-V0x00:   In the OpenVMS 7.3 timeframe, a patch was released to fix a hang caused by a double deletion of a network device. This was VMS73-NETACP-V0100. There was also a version for 7.3-1 called, unsurprisingly, VMS731-NETACP-V0100. When OpenVMS 7.3-2 was kitted, this patch was not generated, but rather rolled up into VMS732-UPDATE-V0100. Unfortunately, when this was done, a minor problem was introduced. (141 words, 1 comments, 0 pings)

SIZE2 X01-04 released:   SIZE2 X01-04 corrects a bug that caused certain files to be ignored. (153 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Directory index cache:   What happens when an application puts all its files in one directory, or why there should be applications architecture oversight groups. (355 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

HP shows Carly the door:   HP has asked Carly Fiorina to step down as chief executive officer. There had been some indications that this was on the cards when rumours emerged about HP's board of directors asking her to farm out some responsibilies, which she apparently resisted. Now that she is gone, what will this mean to the future of OpenVMS? (128 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)