Keith makes it interesting:
Keith Parris, one of the OpenVMS Ambassadors, has been busy writing for openvms.org. There are three articles that deserve careful... (79 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)
SWB 1.2-1:
HP have released version 1.2-1 of the Secure Web Browser, based on Mozilla 1.2.1. (24 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)
Awww, crap:
While riding home from work today on my bicycle, I had an argument with a car. The car won. (100 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)
Mozilla for OpenVMS:
Ports of Mozilla for OpenVMS certainly don't lag behind. (85 words, 4 comments, 0 pings)
Business Critical Systems Newsletter:
The April edition of the Business Critical Systems Customer Times newsletter has been released from HP. There is not a... (47 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)