October 2002

Biting the bullet:   Ever since I originally set up this site, I have been considering web page management systems. I have been dithering... (124 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Tape Firmware Problems:   I received notification today that the DLT8000 tape drives in the ESL 9000 series libraries we installed recently have a... (65 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

SAN Reorganisation:   Four months after I instigated a project to reorganize the fibrechannel fabrics at work, I finally got to complete the... (183 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Debugging the kernel:   We have received the debug execlet and installed it on the development system. Of course, the developer up and got... (58 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

HPETS 2002:   I attended the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Technical Symposium in St Louis. Details of this conference are available on the conference... (23 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)

Kernel issues:   OK, I admit it. I have been having a break from the relentless pressure to update this page. Finally, an... (103 words, 0 comments, 0 pings)