

$! SHARED_IMAGES.COM - see EOF for doc
$       old_verify = f$verify (0)
$       set noon
$       say := write sys$output
$       ask := read/end_of_file=exit/error=exit sys$command command/prompt=
$       status = 1
$       required_privs = "OPER"
$       old_privs = f$setprv (required_privs)
$       if .not. f$privilege (required_privs)
$       then
$           say "Required privs: " + required_privs
$           status = 36
$           goto exit
$       endif
$       default_disk = f$trnlnm ("SYS$SYSDEVICE", "LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE")
$       ask "Disk to report on [''default_disk']: "
$       the_disk = f$edit (command, "collapse,upcase,uncomment")
$       if the_disk .eqs. ""
$       then
$           the_disk = default_disk
$       endif
$       node_list = ""
$       report_dir = f$trnlnm ("sys$scratch")
$       temp1 = f$unique () + ".tmp"
$       if .not. f$getsyi ("cluster_member")
$       then
$           goto not_cluster
$       endif
$       ctx = ""
$       cut_off = 1
$       csid = f$csid (ctx)
$       if csid .eqs. ""
$       then
$           goto end_node_loop
$       endif
$       node = f$getsyi ("nodename",, csid)
$       if node_list .nes. ""
$       then
$           node_list = node_list + "," + node
$       else
$           node_list = node
$       endif
$       cut_off = cut_off + 1
$       goto node_loop
$       ask "Run on nodes [''node_list']: "
$       command = f$edit (command, "upcase,collapse,uncomment")
$       if command .nes. ""
$       then
$           node_cnt = 0
$           node = f$element (node_cnt, ",", command)
$           if node .eqs. ","
$           then
$               goto end_check_node
$           endif
$           if .not. f$getsyi ("cluster_member", node)
$           then
$               say node + " is not a cluster member!"
$               goto end_node_loop
$           else
$               node_cnt = node_cnt + 1
$               goto check_node
$           endif
$           node_list = command
$           cut_off = node_cnt + 1
$       endif
$       open/write temp1 'temp1'
$       write temp1 "set e/node=(''node_list')"
$       write temp1 "set prof/default=''report_dir'"
$       write temp1 "do show dev/file/nosystem ''the_disk' -"
$       write temp1 "    /out='f$getsyi (""nodename"").shared_image_cnt"
$       close temp1
$       define/user sys$output nl:
$       define/user sys$error nl:
$       mc sysman @'temp1'
$       delete/nolog 'temp1';*
$       goto start
$       show dev/file/nosystem 'the_disk' -
           /out='report_dir''f$getsyi ("nodename")'.shared_image_cnt
$       cut_off = 2
$       image_list = ""
$       file = f$search ("''report_dir'*.shared_image_cnt")
$       if file .eqs. ""
$       then
$           goto end_floop
$       endif
$       close/nolog in
$       open/read in 'file'
$       read/end=end_loop in header
$       read/end=end_loop in header
$       read/end=end_loop in rec
$       rec = f$edit (rec, "compress,trim")
$       the_image = f$element (2, " ", rec)
$       image = f$parse (the_image,,,"name")
$       if f$parse (the_image,,,"type") .nes. ".EXE"
$       then
$           goto loop
$       endif
$       minus = 0
$       save_image = image
$       if f$locate ("-", image) .lt. f$length (image)
$       then
$           minus = 1
$           image = image - "-"
$           goto remove_minus
$       endif
$       symbol = image + "_cnt"
$       if f$type ('symbol) .eqs. ""
$       then
$           if minus
$           then
$               'image'_name = save_image
$           endif
$           'image'_cnt = 1
$           if image_list .eqs. ""
$           then
$               image_list = image
$           else
$               image_list = image_list + "," + image
$           endif
$       else
$           'image'_cnt = 'image'_cnt + 1
$       endif
$       goto loop
$       close in
$       delete/nolog 'file'
$       goto floop
$       if image_list .eqs. ""
$       then
$           goto no_rep
$       endif
$       count = 0
$       open/write temp1 'temp1'
$       image = f$element (count, ",", image_list)
$       if image .eqs. ","
$       then
$           goto end_iloop
$       endif
$       if 'image'_cnt .ge. cut_off
$       then
$           temp = image
$           if f$type ('image'_name) .nes. ""
$           then
$               temp = 'image'_name
$           endif
$           write temp1 f$fao ("!3ZL !AS", 'image'_cnt, temp)
$       endif
$       count = count + 1
$       goto iloop
$       close temp1
$       sort/key=(pos:1,siz:3,desc) 'temp1' 'report_dir'shared_image_cnt.rep
$       delete/nolog 'temp1';*
$       purge/nolog 'report_dir'shared_image_cnt.rep
$       type/nopage 'report_dir'shared_image_cnt.rep
$       goto exit
$       say "There is not data to report for disk " + the_disk
$       junk = f$setprv (old_privs)
$       exit status + (0*f$verify (old_verify))
$!      Produces a report of all executables open on a specified disk sorted
$!      by the number of processes with open channels to them.
$!      You can specify this disk, and the nodes to query, or accept the
$!      default of the system disk cluster wide.
$!      James F. Duff
$!      15-Jun-2013
$!      15-Jun-2013     Jim Duff
$!      Original version of module
$!      21-Jun-2013     Jim Duff
$!      Handle case where there are no images.  Thanks Ian.
$!      15-Jul-2013     Jim Duff
$!      Handle image names with minus signs.  Thanks to Tony
$!      McGrath for pointing this out.
$!      24-Aug-2013     Jim Duff
$!      Fix some sloppy file name handling.  Initialize some variables in
$!      an appropriate place so both clusters and non-clustered systems work
$!      correctly.
Posted at June 20, 2013 4:16 PM
Tag Set:

I think there may be a problem if there are no such images

$ image = f$element (count, ",", image_list)
$ if image .eqs. ","
$ endif
$ if _cnt .ge. cut_off
%DCL-W-UNDSYM, undefined symbol - check validity and spelling

Posted by: Ian Miller at June 20, 2013 9:13 PM

Thanks Ian, I've fixed the code to handle that.

Posted by: Jim Duff at June 21, 2013 1:18 PM

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