
Prioritizing cluster comms

Hoff's blog often gives me a push to post something on here. Recently, he was talking about SCACP usage, and I thought "Gee, I have a nice little DCL command procedure that does circuit prioritization using that. I should post it". So, here it is.

$! See end of file for comments.
$       say := write sys$output
$       status = 1
$       set on
$       on warning then goto error
$       if .not. f$getsyi ("NISCS_LOAD_PEA0")
$       then
$           say "NISCS_LOAD_PEA0 is false.  Nothing to do."
$           goto exit
$       endif
$       required_privs = "SYSPRV,DIAGNOSE"
$       old_privs = f$setprv (required_privs)
$       if .not. f$privilege (required_privs)
$       then
$           say "Required privs: " + required_privs
$           status = 36
$           goto exit
$       endif
$       procedure = f$environment ("procedure")
$       procedure = f$parse (procedure,,,,"NO_CONCEAL")
$       smci = 3        ! Priority for Shared memory cluster interconnect
$       smlan = 2       ! Priority for Shared memory LAN interconnect
$       mc = 1          ! Priority for memory channel
$       ni = 0          ! Priority for network interconnects (gigabit)
$       ci = 0          ! Priority for original CI, such as CIPCAs
$       mode = f$mode ()
$       if mode .eqs. "BATCH" .or. mode .eqs. "INTERACTIVE"
$       then
$           temp_file = f$unique () + ".com"
$           open/write temp_file 'temp_file
$           write temp_file "$ mcr sysman"
$           write temp_file "$ deck
$           write temp_file "set e/c"
$           write temp_file "do @''procedure'"
$           write temp_file "$ eod"
$           write temp_file "$ exit"
$           close temp_file
$           @'temp_file'
$           deletex/nolog 'temp_file';*
$       else
$           galaxy = f$getsyi ("galaxy_member")
$           if galaxy
$           then
$               galaxy_mbrs = f$edit (f$getsyi ("glx_mbr_name"), "compress")
$           endif
$           temp_file = f$unique () + ".dat"
$           define/user sys$output 'temp_file'
$           mcr scacp show circuit
$           start_found = 0
$           open temp_file 'temp_file
$           read/end_of_file=end_loop temp_file record
$           length = f$length (record)
$           if f$locate ("----", record) .lt. length
$           then
$               start_found = 1
$               goto loop
$           endif
$           if .not. start_found
$           then
$               goto loop
$           endif
$           record = f$edit (record, "trim, upcase, compress")
$           node = f$element (0, " ", record)
$           port = f$element (1, " ", record)
$           type = f$element (7, " ", record)
$           if type .eqs. " "
$           then
$               type = f$element (6, " ", record)
$           endif
$           if type .eqs. "NI"
$           then
$               if galaxy
$               then
$                   if f$locate (node, galaxy_mbrs) .lt. f$length (galaxy_mbrs)
$                   then
$                       priority = smlan
$                   else
$                       priority = ni
$                   endif
$               else
$                   priority = ni
$               endif
$           endif
$           if type .eqs. "SMCI"
$           then
$               priority = smci
$           endif
$           if type .eqs. "MC"
$           then
$               priority = mc
$           endif
$           if type .eqs. "CIPCA" .or. type .eqs. "HSJ"
$           then
$               priority = ci
$           endif
$           say "mcr scacp set circuit/port=''port'/prio=''priority' ''node'"
$           mcr scacp set circuit/port='port'/prio='priority' 'node'
$           goto loop
$           close temp_file
$           deletex/nolog 'temp_file';*
$       endif
$       goto exit
$       status = $status
$       set noon
$       say "Unexpected error in SCACP.COM: " + f$fao ("!8XL", status)
$       if f$type (old_priv) .nes. ""
$       then
$           old_priv = f$setprv (old_priv)
$       endif
$       exit status
$!      As of VMS 7.3-1, the algoritm for selecting cluster communications
$!      when PEDRIVER is loaded has changed so that gigabit ethernet is
$!      selected, even if a more appropriate interconnect such as memory
$!      channel is available.  This command procedure prioritized the
$!      cluster circuits so that we selete shared memory interconnects first
$!      (if we are in a galaxy), then memory channel, then gig ethernet,
$!      and CI last.  The priorities are set at the top of the command
$!      procedure in symbols that should be obvious.  Change these to change
$!      the order.
$!      You should add this to your scheduler to run every hour or so.  The
$!      command procedure works in two different modes.   If it's run from
$!      interactive or batch modes, it creates a command procedure to run
$!      itself via SYSMAN on all nodes in the cluster.  If it's running as
$!      the sysman job, it does the priority setting for the circuits.
$!      You may need to adjust this code depending on how your scheduler works.
$!      James F. Duff
$!      02-Jun-2005
$!      JFD    02-Jun-2005    Original version of module.
Posted at September 4, 2007 12:56 PM
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Thanks, Jim. Just so you know, we ran into this at our DR test this year. It was good to have this around :)

Posted by: Kel Boyer at September 19, 2007 3:37 PM

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