I'm pretty upset with the web host that I'm using for this site at the moment. For a number of years they have been fine, and all of a sudden, things are going wrong.
Recently, they have switched off access to raw web logs while they "test a new system". This attitude reminds me of some of the shenanigans that I have to deal with at work, with developers getting away with developing and testing code in production.
While access to the web logs is not really necessary, it's saved the day on a few occasions before when I've been hit with rogue bots.
But the real problem is their failure to update software.
The hosting service have been attempting to relocate from one data centre to another since before Christmas. The servers in the new data centre have up-to-date versions of Perl, PHP, and Zeus loaded on them. When it was announced that we were moving, and the move occurred, I went "Great! now I can upgrade to the latest version of Movable Type". Little did I know that about three hours after I performed the upgrade, the host decided to undo the move and copy the upgraded software back to the old site.
Well, let me tell you, MT 3.x doesn't work particularly well on ancient versions of Perl...
I've posted a note on their forums requesting an upgrade to the software in the event the move doesn't happen. An administrator replied that the target was the end of last month for new testing, but so far I haven't see anything.
They have one more week to get their act together before I bail out to a new hosting service.
Posted at June 4, 2005 1:03 PMComments are closed