Every now and then, I realise why I spend time reading other people's weblogs: it's because there are like-thinking people out there. And usually, they can express themselves far better than me.
Scott LePera who is moving to Seattle to take up a new job, wrote a little entry entitled The Quality Of Light farewelling (?) California, and San Francisco in particular.
One of my goals in life is to live in (or within cab fare range of) San Francisco, my favourite city on the planet after Sydney. I'm close. I started in LA and moved to Sacramento, only about 100 miles away.
I beat Scott - I first saw San Francisco in the late 1970s, and instantly fell in love with it. Nearly every major holiday I took from then on involved flying to America to visit. As Scott puts it "the Bay Area seeps into you, gets into your DNA. Something about the quality of light."
I know exactly how he feels.
Good luck to you, Scott. The smart money is betting you will be back to visit.
Posted at August 9, 2003 3:59 PMComments are closed