
Open in new window banned

The default templates that Movable Type is delivered with include code to open a new window when a link is clicked on. The two notable examples are the comments and trackback links that appear on the main index page.

This has bugged me for a while, so this morning I bit the bullet and moved the text for comments and trackbacks into the individual entry archive pages. Now, instead of opening a new window, the links take you to the appropriate section of the page.

A much more accessible solution.

Posted at August 1, 2003 5:29 AM
Tag Set:

Would you be willing to show how you did it?

Posted by: Jim M at August 8, 2003 9:02 PM

Sure. It's very straight forward. Pick up the code from your "Comment listing" and "Trackback listing" templates and place it in your "Individual entry archive" template. Preface it with a named anchor, and point the links on your "Main index" template to those anchors.

So in effect, instead of using the CGI scripts supplied with MT, you are placing all comment and trackback info on the individual entry archive page and pointing to them with normal hyperlinks.

Posted by: Jim Duff at August 9, 2003 8:53 AM

I Thank You.!

Posted by: Jim M at August 9, 2003 11:24 AM

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A Better MT Comment Presentation
Excerpt: 01-Aug-2003 Open in new window banned The default templates that Movable Type is delivered with include code to open a new window when a link is clicked on. The two notable examples are the comments and trackback links that...
Weblog: nyc99
Tracked: August 9, 2003 11:27 AM