

Yesterday, I actually wasn't working. Or on call. And it wasn't raining. Normally, I would have gone for a bike ride, but considering I had had less than six hours sleep in the previous two days, I thought that might be a dangerous idea.

What has this to do with lightbulbs, I hear your ask?

I went food shopping instead (another rare activity for me in the last three weeks, and a lot less dangerous than bike riding). I wanted to pick up some lightbulbs while I was at the supermarket as I had recently blown one in my computer room and I had no spares. Based on price comparison alone, I picked up a four pack of 60 watt GE Reveals. What an amazing lightbulb!

The GE Reveal website has lots of pretty flash, but it doesn't really do these bulbs justice. You have to see it for yourself.

The quality of light is excellent. It's so good that my brain is confused because it's just so different than what I have been used to for my entire life.

What a revealation (pun intended).

P.S. I understand that these bulbs are great for indoor photography.

Posted at November 24, 2002 11:12 AM
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