Thought for today: communication is the basis of good morale.
"Morale is composed of many factors, including confidence in equipment, good training and sound administration; but ultimately it is bred of conviction in what is being done and confidence in those with whom and for whom it is being done. Such confidence is in itself primarily a product of leadership and comradeship."
So says the British Army.
However, none of these things happen without sound communications. How can you train well if you are not told what your weaknesses are? How can you have confidence in equipment unless you are told how it works and have demonstrations and hands on experience under the guidance of seasoned instructors? How can sound administration exist without good communications?
How can you have conviction in what is being done unless you know what goals you are striving for?
And how can you lead unless you let your troops know what they are to do?
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
Posted at November 7, 2002 5:43 PMComments are closed